Kevin Mackenzie has created a really big sculpture for the people of Quadra Island
Kevin Mackenzie, metal artist and resident of Quadra Island, decided to use his time and talent to give back to his community! And the results are amazing.
Oh so good to be back!
It is hard to explain the feeling of opening our doors once again to our supportive community. It is fantastic! We are so grateful to everyone who has stayed the course, ordered by phone and kept new pieces coming in. We truly couldn't do this without everyone who contributes!
And Now We are 10!
There is something quite magical about turning 10, and now that we have made it, we want to share a bit of the background story that has got us to this point.
Loris Nygaard's Wish Stars
The story behind the creation of Loris Nygaard's Wishing Stars is pretty wonderful ... read all about it here.
We Miss Our Community!
Even when the doors are closed and we can't let people in, the busyness at the Salish Sea Market is happening ... everyone is doing their part to make sure that when we open the door again, things will be perfect!
Hello from the Salish Sea Market team!
Behind the door of the Salish Sea Market is the most exceptional team ... we'd like you to drop in and meet them ...
The real lives of artists in pandemic times
Our artist community continues to amaze us in these unprecedented times. What a great extended family we have.
Inside the Minds of Three Salish Sea Artists
Each artist has a different way of getting through tough times, and we can learn a lot from them. Here are three of the artists of the Salish Sea Market, who are willing to tell us just how things are for them!
Six artists share their experience of these times
As we continue to reach out to our artist community, we are so blessed to receive these heartfelt connections in return. Yes, we are truly all in this together!
These times we live in, insight from four Salish Sea artists
We asked some of our artists how they were coping during the pandemic, and this is what they told us ...