Meet the amazing Sue Pyper and her work-n-progress!
Having a chance to see Sue Pyper's work in person is an extraordinary experience, because her technique is so incredibly detailed. Here's a little more information about what Sue does, and how she does it! I encourage you to grab a cup of tea and watch the short videos!
Meet Janine & Brett Sibley of Freebird Letterpress
New to the Salish Sea Market, Janine and Brett Sibley have brought back the art of letterpress printing right to Bowser!
Meet Alex McLeod
We are so fortunate at the Salish Sea Market to witness how much this community offers to its residents. The story of Alex McLeod is one story that warms all the parts of your heart!
Let us introduce you to some of our newer faces at the market ...
Every week the market grows with new artists ... here are a few of our "new arrivals."
Oh so good to be back!
It is hard to explain the feeling of opening our doors once again to our supportive community. It is fantastic! We are so grateful to everyone who has stayed the course, ordered by phone and kept new pieces coming in. We truly couldn't do this without everyone who contributes!
And Now We are 10!
There is something quite magical about turning 10, and now that we have made it, we want to share a bit of the background story that has got us to this point.
We Miss Our Community!
Even when the doors are closed and we can't let people in, the busyness at the Salish Sea Market is happening ... everyone is doing their part to make sure that when we open the door again, things will be perfect!
Hello from the Salish Sea Market team!
Behind the door of the Salish Sea Market is the most exceptional team ... we'd like you to drop in and meet them ...