The real lives of artists in pandemic times
The stories we continue to hear and experience from our artists are amazing. They all share one common thread, a deep desire for connection, purpose and meaning through these times of uncertainty. We have seen unprecedented acts of generosity and kindness, the likes of which we could have never imagined. Every day we feel grateful for the connections we have made and community we are part of.
This week we asked “What is happening in your world in these very different times.” And this is what they’ve told us.
Jan & John Taylor ~ Waterslip Soap and Jewelry
John and I are still creating. We are building a garden where once was a carport. I am receiving requests from some of our customers for soap and doing what I can. John has received a few pendant orders as well … so we are keeping busy. We live in a private seniors park so I am keeping my friends and neighbours in soap with a fund raiser for our social club. Maintaining social distancing and missing our friends and family but we all need to pay attention so this will pass. Stay safe everyone
Ellen Statz ~ Ceramic Arts
I work from my home studio, and my business has many sides to make a whole sustainable living. In the spring and fall I teach classes in my home studio. I sell my work through consignment venues, and I do two or three shows a year. Recently I have expanded to include teaching workshops out of town.
Last year was a much better year for me than the year before, and this year was ramping up to look even busier and better. I had just come back from a road trip to deliver work to Victoria, Chemainus, and Salish Sea. That work began selling right away. I got home and felt like I had to hit the ground running! And then. ....
At first when I realized I had to cancel my classes (which had only just started) I felt a little grateful to have all that time in the studio. I was planning to work, work, work! But reality began to set in as started closing, my shows and workshops cancelled. At first, I was a whirlwind of activity. Washed the car inside and out (haven’t done that in..? two years??) cut my own hair, cleaned the house, cleaned the studio, and baked muffins. Then I moved outside and have been spending most of my days gardening. I can’t seem to find my purpose in the studio these days, the future being so uncertain and so much hardship and heartache in the world. So, I am counting my blessings daily that I live where I live. I limit my consumption of news, walk the beach daily, stay connected to my friends and family, find ways to laugh every day, and do my part by staying home as much as possible. Yesterday was REALLY exciting ... my radishes came up!!!!!!!
Westcoastkitsch ~ Wood Art
Nobody told me there'd be days like these. Strange days indeed. - John Lennon
Ashley and I (Kent) are new parents and our days revolve around our 7 month old boy and our fur baby Baxter. Our son is the apple of our eye and it is amazing to see his personality start to shine. Besides creating art work, we have been exploring options to establish food security on our property. We are amateur gardeners but we are excited by the prospect of becoming more self sufficient. We have been keeping busy by baking bread, gardening, beekeeping, brewing beer and exploring new mediums such as silkscreen printing. Like everyone, we miss the normality of the pre-covid world and look forward to one day hugging our friends and family. In the meantime, we hold you all in our hearts and hope you stay safe and learn some new tricks and trades.
Katherine Moore ~ Glass Art
I am finally feeling like I can get back to some more normal things, I am working a bit in the studio some days and the garden others.
What I didn’t realize is how my I rely on Trent’s routine to keep my routine, I am so used to him being out by a certain time and then I get on with my day, i have to get past that because his hours are all over the place.
Some days I am better than others of letting go of the rules of getting things done. And yes the WTF waves crash on the shore once in a while.
Buck Charest - Knives
Things have definitely change all of our lifestyles since the onset of Covid 19. I am very grateful that this virus has not touched anyone I know.
I have continued to make knives, more kitchen knife sets than hunting or fishing knives right now. I have also found that I am expanding my interests by learning to work with different materials. I am still working with metal but in different applications. I have started to delve more into working with wood, I have always made the handles for my knives, but now I am starting expand into larger items like a new stand for my guitar.
sarah j clark
conductor of comings and goings
salish sea market