Robin MIllan
I find inspiration in what is odd or humorous, and search for the lighter side of most things.
Although papier-mâché is Robin's artistic niche, other mediums constantly lure her. I grew up doodling and drawing - spending more time doing that than whatever else it was I should have been doing. Oh, well, says Robin. She laughs at silly and stupid stuff and is well recognized for her a wicked sense of humor.
Robin likes animals, old people, and appreciates the simple things in life. Her love for vibrant colours shows in her work!
I will go out of my way for a cold beer and hot wings. I am happy.
Robin is inspired by all that is around her, but also by the works of Joe Fafard, Sam Toft, Gaciela Rodo Boulanger and Will Bullas.
Closing one door opened another - that got me to where I am now.