Laine Canivet
Playing with fabric and thread is something I began when I was seven years old and it has been part of my life ever since.
Laine lives in Victoria, British Columbia, just steps from the ocean and the panoramic views of the Olympic mountains in Washington State. Her studio has expanded or maybe exploded, throughout the house, and includes a sewing room filled with fabric, threads and embellishments; a painting room with several large tables, paints, brushes and stamps of every conceivable shape; and a paper room for card-making and assembling her hand-made journals.
Starting with dolls' clothes and progressing to making her own clothes including a winter coat, Laine turned to quilting and fabric art in the late 1980s.
Laine’s fabric art and journals reflect her interests in travel, photography and quilting, and highlight her creativity and love of colour. My style has evolved considerably over time and a lot of credit goes to the many teachers who have given me some very unique 'tools' with which to make my art. I have taken workshops from some of North America's best known quilt makers.
Recently, I've enjoyed recreating travel and nature photographs in fabric while adding colour and texture with paint, thread, beads, buttons and more until it looks and feels complete.