Jan Meads
I just wanted to make a Tiffany Lamp …
984, that’s how many pieces of glass were required for Jan’s first stained glass project, the Tiffany lamp. Jan was introduced to the art and techniques of Stained Glass by a friend of a friend. After she worked on her first project, she was hooked.
Jan uses what is considered to be the “old style, traditional method” for her work. Lead and copper combined with purchased glass and found glass.
When I go into the studio, I get lost. It is my grounding and meditation.
This was especially important in the years Jan was an Ophthalmology Nurse. As well as her regular work, she also contributed her own time to working overseas in Africa twice and the Philippines to do vital eye surgery for children. When she returned from Africa, Jan created an Education program to help the local medical teams learn how to easily and quickly work various ophthalmology machines that had been donated.
Although the work was difficult and sometimes heartbreaking, it was worth it. Jan knew that changing one life at a time had deep and profound meaning.
Since the early 90s, Jan has been using her intuitive artistic talent to create one-of-a-kind glass works, teach mini workshops and fashion custom works for adoring clients.
I think it’s important to stay open to trial and error, there is much to learn there. Maybe that’s why I love to teach.