Dan Davies
I am a Retired Psychologist, who with my wife fell in love with Vancouver Island.
After developing a chronic illness, Dan began to see the beauty in old pieces of driftwood, tiny sand dollars, and other seashore treasures, while doing some beachcombing with a friend. These all provided therapy and inspiration for him while learning to live with his illness.
We don’t go far or fast when beachcombing, but we often then see more. Gathering, selecting, curing, arranging, framing, then placing these little treasures in galleries hopefully reminds folks of their wonderful memories on Vancouver Island.
Dan burnishes (polishes) each small piece of driftwood by hand, done the ‘old way’, only with other woods and stones. Dan has a love for wildlife, and recognizes the significant support for wildlife provided by the amazing folks at the M.A.R.S. (MountainAire Avian Rescue Society) Program. Thus the "Art in support of M.A.R.S." project began. All the proceeds raised from Dan's artwork go to the M.A.R.S. Wildlife Rescue Hospital.
Each and every piece teaches me something and then inspires me to try even further ideas, too.