Caroline James
If I lived a thousand years I would never run out of ideas.
I love so many ways of creating that I often feel utterly overwhelmed by it all! My hardest job is to silence my mind and let go of "work" for awhile.
Beyond creating in the studio, Caroline truly feels that teaching is THE most important thing she does. It is the place where she feels as though she is making a real difference in people's lives and creating more goodness in the world.
I've been making art since I was a child. During my adolescence and early twenties I forgot how much it mattered to me. Then I took an art class in college and soon switched my major from Biology to Fine Art. It’s all I know how to do … and all I've ever really loved doing.
Caroline has worked with every conceivable type of surface and material to create 2-D artwork. She says, it’s impossible to describe what I do … you just have to go look at it yourself.
Her biggest creative influences are the Abstract Expressionists of the 50/60/70's … especially Cy Twombly and Joan Mitchell. Currently she is a huge fan of Nicholas Wilton, and always stunned into wonder by the magical drawings of young children.
What surprises me most is how incredibly challenging art making continues to be every day!