Blaine McMillan
Blaine J McMillan was born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. After high school Blaine enrolled in tbe Canadian Armed Forces and dedicated 27 years as an Aviation Life Support Equipment specialist with operational postings to CFB Comox, BC, the MFO Base El Gorah, Egypt and CFB Winnipeg, Manitoba. Blaine completed his Bachelor of Arts (Criminogy) degree from the University of Manitoba. He is happily settled on Vancouver Island with his wife, Irene and sons, Bowen and Kamryn. Blaine has authored three books. The first, Wood Knocks and Tossed Rocks: Searching for Sasquatch with the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, takes the reader on a journey through three Bigfoot expeditions. The second, So There I Was...Tales from the Flight Line, is an autobiography of Blaine's military career from Basic Training, Trades Training and through various squadrons He belonged to. The third book, How to Cook Your Way Out of a Wet Paper Bag, is geared towards the twenty something generation that is leaving home and is relying on Door Dash or Uber Eats for their meals.