Aaron Yukich
Aaron's interest in photography began in his mid-twenties during a backpacking trip through South America. Captivated by exotic cultures and landscapes he couldn't put his camera down.
In my early thirties I immersed myself in the world of vipassanna meditation. During many reflective months in wilderness-based retreats I began noticing the presence of nature at a much more intimate level. Each tree, each insect, each blade of grass all began reflecting back to me the processes of nature that we are all subject to. The seasons, the cycle of life and the impermanent nature of all things were no longer just external phenomenon but rather had become a very visceral part of my own reality.
Today Aaron's photos reflect his relationship with nature, and particularly, the vast beauty of Vancouver Island.
I would say that I am surprised and often deeply moved by how subjects seem to reveal themselves in line with what my mental and emotional state is at the time, often serving as a visual record of the transitions in my life and the deep learning that accompanies them.
I share them for their beauty, for people to enjoy, but also that they may speak to you of the subtleties of life, to be appreciated in your own way.