Keeping Afloat : Kim Naylor
Kim was born and raised in a town in Northern BC when fishing was in its heyday.
Her Father and both Grandfathers were fishermen. Her maternal Grandfather was smitten with those magical little glass spheres known as Japanese fishing floats. He had a knack for finding them floating in the Pacific. One float found was about the size of a basketball and was lavender coloured glass. A very rare colour, rumoured to be from the Emperor's fleet. It was the most precious of his large collection and was proudly displayed in her grandparents living room.
Many years after my Grandfather retired to Vancouver Island, my Grandmother accidentally broke his precious float. Knowing I did stained glass, she asked me to fix it. It was quite an undertaking but after much trial and error I was able to get it back together and they were both pleased. So much so, my Grandfather gave me what was left of his collection to "work" with.
Trying to describe what she does to total strangers is often greeted with very odd looks. The reactions are sometimes very comical. If not for the influence of her friend Sally, Kim says there might not be a Keeping Afloat.
Sally really encouraged me to take my hobby to the next level.
When Kim started, she was a stay-at-home Mom with two kids. Her husband worked for his family's business and her work really did help to keep the family afloat.